My Goals

Step 1: Desire

I would like to improve my muscular strength and caridovascular endurance by the end of the school year.

Step 2: Belief

I believe I acn accomplish my desires because I have been physically active for years. Therefore I know my bodies capabilities and so I also know that I have greater potential.

Step 3: Analyze where you are

I can currently do nine pull ups at a time. And I can run a mile in ten minutes.

Step 4: Set Realistic Goals

I want to be able to do 12 pull ups  by april the 30th. I want to be able to run a mile in 9 minutes by april 30th.

Step 5: Write your goals in detail

I will start doing shoulder and bench lifts to strengthen my biceps and triceps. I will run three times a week to improve my endurance. I will eat less junk food and consume healthier foods such as  fruits and vegetables to improve my bodies overall health and also consume more meats to increase my protien and make gaining muscle a simpler task.

Step 6: List the Benefits you will recieve

It will improve my physical strength and I will then look and fell better about myself physically and mentally. I will also then be more effective in my athletic pursuits.

Step 7: Identify Obstacles

The lack of the willingness to get physically active. Education absorbing all my free time.

Step 8: Identify Knowledge you will need

I must be well affiliated with several workout routines that will enhance my physical strength and cardiovascular endurance. I must know my bodies limitations and be sure not to harm myself in the pursuit of my goals. I must whats healthy and what is also in compliance with achieving my goal.

Step 9: Make a plan of Action 

Day one:Do a 1 minute jump roping warm up three times. Do 25 Arm circles for/back. Do three sets of 8 on the bench press. Do three sets of ten on the barbells. Do a ten minute jog in the  late afternoon. Do three sets of 20 push ups. Do ten leg extensions three times.
Day two:Do a jump roping warm up for 1 miinute twice. Lower leg stretches for a thirty second count. Do three sets of walking lunges with 15 pd dumbells. Do three sets of lumbar raises. Do three sets of 8 squats. Do 20 sit ups three times. 
Day three: Do jumping rope twice for 1 minute. Do 25 arm circles for/back. Do three sets of 8 on the bench press. Do three sets of 20 on the dumbells.  Do three sets of  push ups. Do ten leg extensionsons three times. 
Week 2:
Day one:Do warm up of jump rope and kung fu stretching. Do three sets of 10 on the bench press. Do two sets of fifteen on the dumbbells.  Do three sets of 10 push ups. 
Day two: Do a warm up of jump rope and lower body stretchings. Do three sets of 10 squats with 35 pds. Do three sets of  ten on the lumbar raises.  Do three sets of 10 ab conductors .  
Day three: Do three sets of 10 on the bench press. Do tthree sets of ten with 20 pds on the dumbbells.  Do three sets of tricep extensions. Do three sets of 8 on the overhead press.
Week 3:
Day one: Do two sets of 10 on the bench press. Do two sets of thirteen on the dumbbells.  Do two sets of 25 push ups. Day two:Do three sets of 10 with 80pds on the bench press. Do two sets of thirteen on the dumbbells. Do a eleven minute jog in the  late afternoon. Do two sets of 25 push ups.
Day three:Do three sets of 10 with 80pds on the bench press. Do two sets of fifteen on the dumbbells.  Do three sets of 15 push ups. . 
Day four: Do three sets of 8 with 89pds on the bench press. Do two sets of sixteen on the dumbbells. Do three sets of 15 push ups.  
Week 4:
Day one: Jump rope. Kung-fu stretch. Tricep pull,(resistance bands) 12 reps for first set and ten for last two on both arms. Bicep curls (dumbbells) with 20pds and 10 2reps three times. Bench press (barbell) 89pds for 8 reps and three sets. Overhead press (dumbbell) 20 pds and 8n reps done three times. Cool down was the kung fu stretch.